Welcome to the École Assiniboine
Physical Education and Health website!
We stress the importance of good communication between the home and the school. We are all here to work together in order that the children may derive the most from their education.
Mission Statement
Á l'École Assiniboine, notre but est de devenir respectueux, responsable et actif dans notre apprentissage en français et en anglais.
At École Assiniboine, our purpose is to grow as respectful, responsible, active life-long bilingual (French and English) learners.
Our Philosophy in the gym:
-to respect ourselves and others. We accept differences and treat others the way we want to be treated.
-to grow in responsibility and self-discipline
-to focus on being active life-long learners
We speak French, participate in physical activities and behave in a safe fair and caring environment.
With a better education, we can prepare for a better future.