Wednesday, 15 January 2020

Basketball 2020

Dear families,
As the new year starts to gain momentum, we need to start looking ahead
to the continuation of our extra-curricular sports program for all interested grade 4 and 5 students at École Assiniboine. The basketball program will officially begin our season at the beginning of February of 2020. We will begin our formal practices on our next days 4 and 5 of the school cycle.

Students are invited to participate in lunch time practices and optional games after school from 4:00-5:00 pm at Stevenson School and at Brooklands School. On game days, students will be sent home as per usual and parents/guardians will be responsible for their child's transportation to and from the scrimmage games. Due to the high enrollment numbers and a limited amount of spaces on the shared bus for the Friendship Tournament, it is important that your permission forms are returned no later than Monday, January 20th.

Brooklands School: 1950 Pacific Avenue, Winnipeg
Stevenson School: 1777 Silver Avenue, Winnipeg

École Assiniboine Basketball AFTER SCHOOL Schedule:

Grade 4
Thurs. Feb 6 at Stevenson 4-5:00 pm
Thurs. Feb 13 at Stevenson 4-5:00 pm
Wed. Feb 26 at Stevenson 4-5:00 pm

Grade 5
Wed. Feb 5 at Stevenson 4-5:00 pm
Wed. Feb 12 at Stevenson 4-5:00 pm
Wed. Feb 19 at Brooklands 4-5:00 pm
Tues. Feb 25 at Stevenson 4-5:00 pm

Monday, March 2nd Grade 5 Friendship tournament at Stevenson 1777 Silver Ave. 12:00-2:00pm

Tuesday, March 10th Grade 4 Friendship tournament at Stevenson 1777 Silver Ave. 12:00-2:00pm

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact M. Senécal or M. Charrette. 885-2216 (school) e-mail:

Actively yours,
Terrance Charrette and Robert Senécal Blog:

As per all outings, students are to check out with M. Charrette before going home with their parents.